Water Storage

Rain CaptorTM Catalog [PDF] | Introduction to Rain Harvesting [PDF]

With the recent droughts that many states have faced, rainwater harvesting is an easy method to help sustain certain water uses, simply by catching and storing rain as it falls. With its start in desert countries to assist with irrigation, it can now be easily added to anyone's home to provide an irrigation source or even water usage for household needs. As more and more research and products become available in this industry, some countries have even moved to creating building code laws that require a rain harvesting system for all new developments.

Elite Tank is able to provide you with both above ground poly tanks and poly cisterns for below ground storage. We are also able to provide you with a number of accessories from pumps to filters. You can find a listing of accessories, including the Leaf Eater and First Flush accessories, in the Rain CaptorTM Catalog. To learn more about our offerings, please contact our sales representatives.

Oklahoma Horizon reports on the importance of rain water collection, and how Elite Tank was able to assist the Latta FFA with their project.

Vertical Tanks

The tanks are available in three colors: black, desert tan, and dark green. The pigmented plastic vertical tanks helps to inhibit the growth algae.

Capacity (Gal) Length (In) Width (In) Height (In)
10500   142 177
6250   102 194
5000   102 156
4200   96 148
3000   90 120
2500   90 103
2000   90 84
1500   86 69
1350   86 65
1000   65 81
550   52 66
300   55 42